Interactive Malayalam
Welcome to Interactive Malayalam Picture Lessons.
This Interactive Lesson is a fun way to learn malayalam by using pictures, and clicking on buttons to see how you would say words in Malayalam.
To play/learn simply mouse over the words you see, and click the mouse button. You will then hear how to pronounce the words in Malayalam.
The above example shows you that Malayalam Sentences are constructed slightly different to english.
The Following Malayalam Sentences' Order consists of
So the question in english : "Is Mum Hungry?"
in Malayalam would be: "Mum Hungry Is?"
in english "He was feverish" in Malayalam would be "He feverish Was"
Here are the following 27 possibilities you can make with the above Sentence Constructor
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If you like using Interactive Malayalam to help you learn Malayalam and are interested in downloading an Interactive Malayalam product then read on ...
We have created an easy to use Interactive system which can teach you how to create and construct over 300 sentences in Malayalam.
Not only this, but we are giving away Interactive Malayalam for Health and Anatomy completely free, and bundling it at the beginning of the Main Interactive Sentence System to ease you into Learning Malayalam Interactively.
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