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Malayalam Vocab
This page is a great resource for free Malayalam vocab, which provides hundreds and hundreds of Malayalam words to help expand your vocabulary.
If you have come from the Basic Phrases, or More Basic Phrases lessons, then the next natural step in your learning is to build up a good foundation of basic and useful vocabulary.
The Malayalam Vocabulary is split and grouped into sections of useful topics such as Numbers, Colours, Directions, Greetings etc
The following links take you through each category of Malayalm translations. Each Page is written in English with the Malayalam written translation, phonetics and a sound bite for you to play at your leisure. The last link provides an Online English to Malayalam Dictionary which contains all the Malaylam words on this website in one page.
Food - Fruit, Vegetables, Meat, Fish
Drink - Water, milk, tea, Yoghurt
Fruit - Apple, mango, guava, coconut, lemon
Vegetables - Tomato, Potato, cucumber, onion, aubergine
Herbs and Spices - garlic, ginger, mint, coriander, chilli
Animals - ant, bird, cat, dog, elephant, monkey, mosquito
Clothes - pants, bag, shirt, skirt, shorts, trousers, hat sarong Emotions - happy, sad, angry, love, laugh, cry, hope, envy
Directions - left, right, here, there, top, middle, bottom, front, behind etc
Pronouns - I, me, my, you, we, us, they, their, who, which, where, why, what
Family and Relations - mum, dad, sister, brother, son, daughter, uncle, aunt
Greetings - Hello, bye, how are you?, Please, Thankyou, Sorry
Weather - hot, cold, rainy, cloudy, humid, sunny, windy
Seasons - spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, winter
Colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, white, gold, silver
Numbers 1-10
More Numbers - Fractions, 100, 1000 etc
Months - Malayalam Calendar Months, e.g Dhanu
Days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Time - What is the time ?, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Before, After
Adjectives - Many describing words such as: expensive, cheap, smooth, rough, hard, soft
Adjectives - Size - Short, Long, Tall, Big, Little, Slim
Adjectives - Amounts - Many, few, much, more, less, enough, some
Adjectives - Shapes - Circle, Triangle, Straight, Crooked
Adjectives Misc1
Adjectives Misc2
Online Malayalam Vocab Dictionary - English to Malayalam Dictionary
